What is Laser Hair Removal Treatment? Best Laser Hair Removal Center?

Smooth, fair and hairless skin is every female dream. For both men and women getting rid of body hair by waxing, shaving, plucking is always anuisance and a temporary, painful, time consuming processes.

LASER hair treatment is a highly sophisticated modern day technology with promising, predictable and permanent long term results for undesirable body hair reduction.

The word LASER stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. In simple word means that a specific wavelength of light is amplified or made extremely strong that target a specific colourpigment or substance on applied area.

For hair removal Nd; YAG LASER is  worldwide recommended LASER which targets and destroys only the black and brown pigment of hair leaving the normal surrounding skin unharmed.

The high energy transmitted by LASER is absorbed by the black and brown pigment of the growing hair shaft and transmitted to deeper hair follicle causing permanent damage to the hair follicle and restricting its hair growth.

Call Today OR Book Your Consultation With Prof. Dr. Kamran Khalid:

  • Hameed Latif Hospital: 0305-9738995
  • Ittefaq Hospital: 0302-4884063 (Yasir)


Benefits of Permanent Laser Hair Removal In Lahore

LASER is a non-invasive technique that reduces unwanted hair without damaging the surrounding skin.

It leaves the skin smooth and fairer

Replaces conventional painful hair removal methods (waxing, electrolysis, shaving, bleach and depilatory creams)

No side effects (pain, rash, infection)

No downtime

80- 90 % hair reduction after 5-6 sessions

Quick and effective solution for unwanted body hair

Large body areas can be treated in the same go

Cost of Laser Hair Removal in Lahore | Best Laser Hair Removal Center

We use highest performance, best LASER systems of US origin for hair removal treatment

Cost of LASER Hair treatment starts from Rs 3000 per session which depends upon the surface area treated and hair density in the targeted area. The exact cost can only be determined after initial assessment by our specialist.

Areas that can be treated for LASER Hair removal 


Full Body       Beard line                   Buttock                                   Full Back and Abdomen

Full Face        Neck                           Pubic area                              Shoulder, underarms

Full Arms       Hand & Feet              Breast/Chest                          Full legs


Is laser hair removal safe for face?

Yes, laser facial hair removal is an absolutely safe and a painless procedure with permanent results and no damage to the surrounding skin.

This is because the LASER used by our center is a high quality US made laser hair removal machine and is performed by specialized and trained aesthetic surgeon.

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

When you are planning for LASER hair removal following precautions should be followed 3-4 weeks prior the procedure

  • Avoid plucking, waxing, and electrolysis 4 weeks prior to the treatment. This is because the laser actually targets the hair root follicles, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.


  • Avoid hair bleach as it removes the hair pigment which actually absorbs the LASER energy so making the LASER effective in bleached hair.
  • Use of sunscreen creams which is continued after the LASER sessions.

 Post LASER care:

  • Cold sponging for immediate soothing and prevent redness
  • Avoid sun exposure and continue use of sunscreen to avoid skin itching or sensitivity after LASER treatment
  • Low dose anti-inflammatory creams or lotions for 3-5 days
  • Avoid using bleach on treated area for 2 to 3 weeks

Your next session is scheduled usually four to six weeks later. Approximately 5-6 sessions on average are required to get desired hair reduction results.

Best Laser Hair Removal Center Video:


Best Laser Hair Removal Center

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